Class RootSignature#
Defined in File RootSignature.h
Inheritance Relationships#
Derived Type#
public TRAP::Graphics::API::VulkanRootSignature
(Class VulkanRootSignature)
Class Documentation#
class RootSignature#
Subclassed by TRAP::Graphics::API::VulkanRootSignature
Public Functions
virtual ~RootSignature()#
consteval RootSignature(const RootSignature&) = delete#
Copy constructor.
consteval RootSignature &operator=(const RootSignature&) = delete#
Copy assignment operator.
RootSignature(RootSignature&&) noexcept = default#
Move constructor.
RootSignature &operator=(RootSignature&&) noexcept = default#
Move assignment operator.
constexpr RendererAPI::PipelineType GetPipelineType() const noexcept#
Retrieve the pipeline type used by the shaders of the root signature.
- Returns:
Pipeline type.
constexpr const std::vector<RendererAPI::DescriptorInfo> &GetDescriptors() const noexcept#
Retrieve the list of descriptors contained in the root signature.
- Returns:
List of descriptors.
const RendererAPI::DescriptorIndexMap &GetDescriptorNameToIndexMap() const noexcept#
Retrieve the map which converts a descriptor name to its index.
- Returns:
Map which converts a descriptor name to its index.
Public Static Functions
static TRAP::Ref<RootSignature> Create(const RendererAPI::RootSignatureDesc &desc)#
Create a new root signature from the given description.
- Parameters:
desc – Root signature description.
- Returns:
Created root signature.
Protected Functions
Protected Attributes
RendererAPI::PipelineType m_pipelineType#
std::vector<RendererAPI::DescriptorInfo> m_descriptors = {}#
RendererAPI::DescriptorIndexMap m_descriptorNameToIndexMap = {}#
virtual ~RootSignature()#