Struct InitInfo#
Defined in File ImGuiVulkanBackend.h
Struct Documentation#
struct InitInfo#
Initialization data, for ImGui_ImplVulkan_Init()
Headless mode: This struct is not available in headless mode.
- VkDescriptorPool should be created with a pool size large enough to hold an ImGui VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER descriptor.
When using dynamic rendering, set UseDynamicRendering=true and fill PipelineRenderingCreateInfo structure.
Public Types
using PFN_CheckVkResultFn = void (*)(VkResult err)#
Public Members
TRAP::Ref<TRAP::Graphics::API::VulkanInstance> Instance = nullptr#
TRAP::Ref<TRAP::Graphics::API::VulkanDevice> Device = nullptr#
TRAP::Ref<TRAP::Graphics::API::VulkanQueue> Queue = nullptr#
std::vector<VkDescriptorPoolSize> DescriptorPoolSizes = {}#
VkDescriptorPool DescriptorPool = VK_NULL_HANDLE#
VkRenderPass RenderPass = VK_NULL_HANDLE#
VkSampleCountFlagBits MSAASamples = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT#
TRAP::Ref<TRAP::Graphics::API::VulkanPipelineCache> PipelineCache = nullptr#
bool UseDynamicRendering = false#
VkPipelineRenderingCreateInfoKHR PipelineRenderingCreateInfo = {}#
const VkAllocationCallbacks *Allocator = nullptr#
PFN_CheckVkResultFn CheckVkResultFn = nullptr#