Class HTTP::Response#
Defined in File HTTP.h
Nested Relationships#
This class is a nested type of Class HTTP.
Class Documentation#
class Response
Define a HTTP response.
Public Types
enum class Status
Enumerate all the valid status codes for a response.
enumerator OK
enumerator Created
enumerator Accepted
enumerator NoContent
enumerator ResetContent
enumerator PartialContent
enumerator MultipleChoices
enumerator MovedPermanently
enumerator MovedTemporarily
enumerator NotModified
enumerator BadRequest
enumerator Unauthorized
enumerator Forbidden
enumerator NotFound
enumerator RangeNotSatisfiable
enumerator InternalServerError
enumerator NotImplemented
enumerator BadGateway
enumerator ServiceNotAvailable
enumerator GatewayTimeout
enumerator VersionNotSupported
enumerator InvalidResponse
enumerator ConnectionFailed
enumerator OK
Public Functions
Response() noexcept
Response(const Response&) = default
Copy constructor.
Response(Response&&) noexcept = default
Move constructor.
~Response() = default
std::string GetField(const std::string &field) const
Get the value of a field.
If the field field is not found in the response header, the empty string is returned. This function uses case-insensitive comparisons.
- Parameters:
field – Name of the field to get.
- Returns:
Value of the field, or empty string if not found.
constexpr Status GetStatus() const noexcept
Get the response status code.
The status code should be the first thing to be checked after receiving a response, it defines whether it is a success, a failure or anything else (see the Status enumeration).
- Returns:
Status code of the response.
constexpr u32 GetMajorHTTPVersion() const noexcept
Get the major HTTP version number of the response.
- Returns:
Major HTTP version number.
constexpr u32 GetMinorHTTPVersion() const noexcept
Get the minor HTTP version number of the response.
- Returns:
Minor HTTP version number.
constexpr std::string GetBody() const noexcept
Get the body of the response.
The body of a response may contain:
the requested page (for GET requests)
a response from the server (for POST requests)
nothing (for HEAD requests)
an error message (in case of an error)
- Returns:
The response body.
enum class Status